Recipe #7: Flaky Parotta

2 cups all purpose flour (can replace half with whole wheat flour)
1 tsp sugar
salt to taste
2 tbsp ghee for mixing with dough and for pan frying 
water as required

- Mix maida, sugar, salt and ghee in a bowl. Add water and knead for 15 minutes.

- Cover and rest for atleast 1 hour.

- Divide into lemon sized balls and roll it into thin sheet. Use ghee to prevent sticking to the rolling pin. Pull and stretch from sides to make sure the dough is stretched as much as possible.

- Grease the flat layer with oil and start folding from the long-edge creating pleats. Once pleated, roll the pleated dough like a swiss roll. Let rest for another 15-20 mins. 
- Using a rolling pin, gently roll the pleated dough into circles and pan fry on medium-high heat. 

- Once one side is cooked spread ghee on uncooked side and flip. Cook until golden brown spots appear and both sides are cooked.  Crush the paratha from the sides to accentuate the layers.

- Serve flaky Parotta with curry of your choice. 


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