Project #27: The Saraswati Makeover

This Saraswati idol belonged to my husband's grandmother. My mother-in law had kept it locked up in her wardrobe for years. The last time I went to visit her, she asked me if I wanted to have the statue. I was very honored, also I am a bug fan of the goddess of creativity.

I had her in wraps for months and finally got her out a couple of months ago. She was dusty and had paint chipped in many places. My decision to wash her with soap water was a terrible idea, which I realized as soon as all the paint started running off. But that gave me the chance to start fresh.

My daughter and I together gave the idol a coat of white paint. My husband's cousin helped out with a few finer details and I completed the makeover with a few final touches.

I am quite happy with the results. Now the Goddess sits in her rightful place on my mantel.


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