Project #20: Wedding Embroidery

For a while now, I have been smitten by the amazing embroidery of wedding photos. It is like sketching but with thread.

I decided to make my best friend an embroidery for her 1st anniversary. Anticipating that it would take me a couple of months to complete, I started working on it right away.

First, I had to pick a photo in which their features were clear and then I went on to make an outline of their faces. Here is a photo from the preparatory phase.

Then I traced the sketch onto the cloth and started embroidering away. This was the final result (not how I imagined it would turn out, but at least not too messy).

P.S. I made it months ahead of their anniversary and couldn't wait. As luck would have it, my friend had an interview in NYC and flew all the way from LA for a single day. I passed it on to her that evening and she was so thrilled. So worth it :)


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