Sambavam #1: Don Bradman

Date of incident: 25 Feb, 2001 (Yes, I know the exact date this incident happened)

I consider this event to be the single-most-embarrassing sambavam of my entire life. Now, as a grown-up, I realize that it is not the end of the world. Also, my sister has narrated this story to pretty much everyone I know, so it is not a secret AT ALL.

This is how the story goes and you can add maane, thaene and ponmane in my sister's more exaggerated version.

I wake up one morning and look at the newspaper. There is a blown up photo of a 90-yer old in the front page with a headline that goes something like this "The Don has passed". My entire family including my cricket savvy sister and dad are sitting around the dinning table. While, I, with my usual flair for drama, open my arms widely and announce - "What a great loss to Hollywood". My family is confounded by my statement. My sister, a know-it-all is surprised I know something about the legendary cricketer that she is not aware of. Stunned, yet unable to accept my superiority, she blurts out - "Which movie did he act in?". I confidently respond -"Isn't he the thatha in Police Academy?". This was quickly followed by a roar of laughter. Not-so-surprisingly, this sambavam still evokes the same response with her even today.

To all cricket fans - enjoy your laugh. I know it'll take you a few years to forgive me. To my non-cricket friends - here's what you need to know to appreciate this story. Don Bradman, beyond any argument, is considered to be the greatest batsman who ever lived and the greatest cricketer of the 20th century. I cannot remember why I thought they looked alike or why I confused them in my head. All I know is I couldn't care less.

This post is dedicated to my sister.


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