Project #12: Inlay Dresser Remodel

I have been looking out for ideas to remodel this dresser for years now. Only recently did I come across this simple yet artistically rewarding idea. Here I lay out a step by step procedure that I followed:

- Dresser
- Paint - 2 colors Black and Ivory (Home Depot)
- Stencil - DIY Home Bone Inlay Laser Stencil Set By ArtMinds ($16.99 from Michaels)
- Coating (Home Depot)

Step 1: Plan
I wanted to change the layout of my dresser so my planning involved how to reorganize the shelves. But what I mean is place the stencils on the dresser and decide the layers of inlay design that you want on your dresser / furniture.

Step 2: Clean, Scrub and Sand
Clean all the surfaces with wet soap towel. Use a scrub or sanding paper to remove dirt or level the surface.

Step 3: Paint background
I chose black paint. I personally think a dark color works well with an ivory inlay. But do not let me curb your creativity. Just make sure that there is a good contrast between the background and inlay color you choose. Ensure a smooth and even coat.

Step 4: Stencil in Inlay color
This one is the longest step of the project. Once the background completely dries out, tape the stencil based on your design. Make sure the stencil is flat and secure (does not move). Using a foam brush, apply the inlay color on the stencil. The paint has to be just enough to dab. If the paint is too runny, then it will smudge into the design.

Since you will have only one stencil per design you will have to wait for the paint to dry before you can move it to the next location. This can be quite time consuming.

Tip: I simultaneously painted the different parts of the dresser (top, draws, etc) with different stencils. That way by the time I was finished painting the last stencil, the paint in the first dried. And I would move it along and start all over again.

In my project, I also removed all the draw dividers using a power saw and drilled in new shelves. I also included two green chevron printed storage bins ($10.07 for a pack of 2) into my design.

Step 4: Apply coating
Add the coat/ varnish to protect your furniture for a longer period.

Step 5: Finishing touches
Since I was turning my dresser into a pooja room (an indian place of worship), I installed some golden bells using a ceiling hook ($4.50 pack of 4).  I also added a re-chargeable light source ($12) with motion sensors to the ceiling of the dresser to give the space some light.


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