Project #7: Watch Display Case DIY

I've always loved watches. It is no surprise that I have a ton of them. I realized, I was only switching between two watches while the rest them lay lifeless, more accurately, with dead batteries and broken straps.

First I had to design/make a watch display case, this way they will all be organized. I have a problem with most store-bought ones and popular DIY ones for the simple reason that I have to tie the watch up before putting it on the display and untie it before wearing it on. This would make it very difficult for me to swap watches on a daily basis and is definitely not the most efficient way to organize them.

I have given it a lot of thought and I came with two solutions. Since I prefer keeping my watches in my dresser I went with plan B. If I had an accessible vertical (wall) area I would have gone with plan A for sure. Some of my watches are not flexible (like a bracelet), so solution B works better for me.


Shoe box

  • rectangular piece -  L cm in length and H cm in height that snuggly fits the inner length of the box. 

Foam (1 inch thick)

  • 4 pieces, Length = B/2 cm,  Height = H - 3 cm :  light grey in figure 
  • 2 pieces, Length = L cm, Breath = B/2, serrated on the sides as shown in figure.As many groves as the number of watches. 



  • First  cut the cardboard and foam to the dimensions mentioned above. 
  • Use the cardboard as a partition and stick the smaller pieces of foam to either sides using glue to support the cardboard. Luckily, I found a partitioned wooden box approximately this size. A shoe box would work just as well. 
  • I let the longer piece of foam rest on the edge of the foams stuck on either sides. 
  • I arranged my watches on the foam (the upper panel). 
  • For the lower panel, I rested gift wrapping roll on the side foam allowing me to display some of my bracelets alongside my watches.


10 mins

Additional tips 
You could gift wrap the shoe box if you like.

Coming up soon : How to change watch batteries / straps.


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